Area agencies shared information and activities related to the Outdoor Bill of Rights with about 120 Jackson Heights Elementary School students and families in Red Bluff, CA on May 8, 2013.
Participating organizations included Lassen Volcanic National Park, Lassen National Forest, Sacramento River Discovery Center, Tehama County 4-H, Red Bluff Parks and Recreation, Ida Adobe State Historic Park, Turtle Bay Exploration Park, and the Center for Nutrition and Activity.
The school's fifth and sixth grade students served as hosts for the evening and engaged younger children with the outdoor-themed story reading by the "campfire."
Prizes were donated by the Lassen Association, Goodin's Rock Garden, Red Bluff Sporting Goods and individual donors. Giveaways such as posters were donated by the Department of Agriculture and the Tehama County Farm Bureau.
The school hopes to make this an annual event and involve other district schools.
Contact: Trixine Pearl, Speech/Language Specialist, Jackson Heights Elementary School.